By attending Oklahoma FCCLA events, students will gain some exposure to professional dress codes. Learning how to dress well in a professional environment will provide students with vital career development skills. With that in mind, Oklahoma FCCLA requests and appreciates your cooperation and adherence to the dress co
Black leggings/jeans and khaki pants are not permitted
Advisers must be in business professional attire
Black leggings/jeans and khaki pants are not permitted
Advisers must be in business professional attire
Black leggings/jeans and khaki pants are not permitted
Advisers must be in business professional attire
All participants MUST be dressed in official dress or, for the culinary contests, in culinary dress or they will NOT be permitted to compete.
Official Dress consists of:
Culinary Dress consists of:
*Costumes are NOT permitted for Oklahoma FCCLA STAR Events.
*Teams may be matching in uniform OR some may wear the oxford shirt option while others wear the sheath dress.
*The dress code is NOT gender specific.
Awards presentations
All participants will need to be in official dress or chef dress for the awards presentations. Only those who are appropriately dressed will be allowed to accept awards.
Advisers/Chaperones are responsible for enforcing the mandatory dress policy with their students and guests. Delegates, advisers, and guests not adhering to the dress policy will not be admitted into sessions.
Culinary Arts participants are welcome to wear their chef's attire during the STAR Events Recognition Sessions.
Jeans, t-shirts, and athletic wear are NOT acceptable.
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